This is a new type of float valve insert for the float bowl of the MkI Amal carburetors.
The advantage of this insert is that it gives a slightly more stable fuel level inside the bowl in comparison to the standard item (at a given fuel consumption/flow)
Due to the slightly increased leverage, since the float needle in now positioned further away from the pivot of the float, the fuel inlet on the insert is opening faster and with better fuel flow.
The only modification that is needed to be made is the fuel inlet hole on the bowl that needs to be realigned with the hole of the new insert.
This is an easy job with the use of a 3mm diameter file.
Inserts can be easily removed and inserted again with the use of the special drifts that we provide, and the appliance of heat to the bowls (hot air gun or boiled water).
On the chart below you can observe the improvement that this new insert can deliver to the fuel flow.
The fuel level is more stable at higher fuel flow/consumption from zero to almost 220 ml/min.
Please have in mind that the tests that are represented on the chart below were performed with the new Amal "stay up" float
and an aluminum body VITON tipped float needle, and these are the parts that we recommend.